How InventtEd AI to help teachers to focus on their student’s performance

Teachers play an important role in developing the student’s academic journey. Teachers are called the pillars of a nation. It is in the hands of a teacher to shape both the student and the country. Educators can bring the best out of the students and help them strive more in the process. Their role is not limited to academics and extracurricular activities, but they are equally responsible for shaping a student’s future to make them a better human beings. The presence of a teacher can boost the student’s morale and guide them to strive for greatness and be valuable.

Why do teachers need to focus on students’ performance?

School is considered to be the second home of a student. The students’ academic performances are directly impacted through the involvement of the teachers. Educators are the students’ role models, and they help shape the career, personality, and creativity of the students. Their involvement in the activity of the students creates an impact on their overall growth, establishing goals, knowledge, and strengths. Engaging in effective learning assists the students to get motivated and achieving their goals and objectives.

Educators need to focus on the student’s performances to help them in the academic journey. The students are required to acknowledge themselves with various subject matter and areas which remain completely unknown without the help of the educators. To look deep into the subject matters, the educators must focus on the students. They must realise the needs and requirements of the individual students to know about their strengths and weaknesses to help them overcome those and lead a prosperous academic journey.

The students’ journey is not restricted to the academic spheres only; it goes beyond that. Therefore educators must examine the necessary development of skills and capabilities to prepare them for the ahead journey.

Ways teachers can improve student performance


Educators always want the best for their students and to improve their performances in their academic sphere. These are the following ways how a teacher can help the students:

  • Set guidelines: Teachers must set guidelines based on mutual discussion and agreement and follow them strictly.
  • Set high and clear finished projects and homework: Educators must set high and clear guidelines to make their projects, homework for their achievement. It will lead to more effective work on the part of the students.
  • Get them to read: Set strict guidelines to promote the habit of reading every day. Reading is the best way to acquire knowledge. Make the reading enjoyable, manageable, and personally relevant.
  • Conduct exams: Conducting exams every week motivates students and helps them concentrate more on their studies. 
  • Feedback: Providing consistent feedback by collecting and analysing the students’ works will help them focus on the minute details.

Ways InventtEd AI aids teachers.

InventtEd aids teachers in various ways in managing their tasks within time. They have a lot of tasks to manage that are listed on their to-do list. Educators have much research to conduct to impart quality education to the students. But it requires much time and effort. InventtEd has built up a platform to automate tasks using AI platforms. The ways how InventtEd aids teachers in the following ways:

Conduct online and offline tests

Conducting exams seems to be a tedious task for educators. InventtEd provides an AI system that helps the teachers with conducting both online & offline exams. For the offline exam, the AI manages the allocation of rooms, invigilator, schedules the timetable, handles the question papers of the different standards all at once, and handles papers of different languages. In the online mode, AI helps the educators conduct exams in multiple locations altogether without printing question papers for all the examination centres. It allows users to upload papers with high security on the system.

Upload own question papers

Uploading question papers has become easier with the help of InventtEd AI services. There is no requirement for the educators to upload the question papers in time to the various centers simultaneously. Now, Ineventt Ed AI services help upload the question paper at the scheduled time that can be pre-set in the system by the educator.

Create own question papers

Educators now can upload the updated question paper subject-wise. The AI system will organise the question bank according to the subject, topic and subtopic, create multiple question papers, and allow the educators to select one of the best at the end of the process.

In-depth analysis

“To err is human “. But the InventtEd AI system is created in such a way that it can detect any mistakes in just a matter of seconds. It can run quickly through the question paper, access the answer sheet, and give accurate marks secured by the students without having to worry about any errors.

Student profile

InventtEd bases AI systems can accurately set every students’ profile accessible to the students. It can store the attendance, payment of fees marks secured in the tests, assessment of assignments related to individual students.


InventtEd AI platform renders the teacher a valuable platform and a helping hand to organise, manage and handle the important data. InventtEd AI services assist teachers and students have automated and the fastest software handling the most important learning and management solutions. It helps to transform and reach the school to a higher level of advancement. Below is the detailed analysis of the services provided by InventtEd AI services:

  • Text summarisation: To effectively summarise a huge amount of knowledgeable data, the text summarisation system in InventtEd AI services assists to shorten and summarising effectively to make it well-learned
  • Feedback/Complaint Analysis: InventtEd AI system analyses feedback and complaints about a quick fix. It can access the issue, record it, and track it for further analysis.
  • Handwritten text recognition: Every child has unique handwriting, and sometimes it becomes difficult to recognise. But AI services systems can easily recognise the handwriting and evaluate it accordingly.
  • Student-performance prediction
  • Virtual Teacher
  • Unusual language detection
  • Automated Essay Grading
  • Automated timetable generation
  • Learning Path Recommendation.

With these advanced services, InventtEd brings a groundbreaking and intelligent AI platform to reinvent the facet of the educational system. 

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